Saturday, July 19, 2008

I quit.

So... That's it everybody. I quit.

Nobody ever reads my dang blog. And I spend so much time on it.

This is me and everybody making fun of me because....
they don't read my blog.


No, but seriously. It's a lot of work put into something that nobody reads.


sdralphs said...

i dont think you should quit. i love reading your blog! blogs should be more so for your own enjoyment. here is my point of view. if you don't enjoy blogging, waste too much time blogging, get frustrated blogging, swear at the computer blogging, and blog for the mere satisfaction of those around you and not yourself, then you should quit. BUT if there is some part deep down inside of you that truly loves the blogging world, then you should continue! and if nothing else, blog for me! :) love and miss you!

Lauren said...

you shouldn't blog for how many comments you get but to keep a record of your life. I think of my blog as a form of a journal that i will be able to look back on. Don't worry about how many comments you get, that really doesn't matter.

Kirsten Krason said...

I read your blog everyday. You should read the post I did about "why blog". Because you should blog for you and not for others. It is a good life history for you.

Jeff said...

I always read it I just sometimes dont remember to comment.

Jenibelle said...

Ditto to what Lauren said. You'd be surprised how many people read that don't comment!

Hazen5 said...

Candy, Remember me, you stayed at my house with LO when you went to EFY in San Diego, my child Payton fell in love with you? I didn't know you blogged! But, I will start reading. This is the way I journal our lives. You are doing a good job. Don't quit, You a documenting some great stuff your kids may read some day!

Anonymous said...

WHATEVER miss 6 comments on one blog! ha! your blog is the hot spot and the place to read! I love reading it! Thanks for all of your comments! Lake Mead was so much fun! oh and yes... it was SO hott, I think we had a similar experience because i was jumping in the water every 2 seconds! I could feel the sun eating my skin away!

Sav Gardiner said...

Candace SHUT UP everyone reads your blog and you freakin know it. don't be lame!