Monday, July 7, 2008

Baby Hungry

When I was 10 years old I remember begging my mother to have another kid. Alas, there are 5 of us... which is a lot. But I am second to youngest. So that is no fun for me, seeing as there was only Demarie, who never really was a baby. She could talk and walk at 8 months, so I never really got to teach her anything. And if I could, she wouldn't listen anyways.

I remember my mom saying, "It won't be very long until Curtis and Angela are married and start having kids." (This is a true story) I remember pondering on that and realizing that she was right. Curtis was on his mission then (he was 20 years old) and he soon would be home. Angela was dating a guy very seriously she was getting ready to send him off on a Mission and they were going to get married without a doubt when he came home.... So I GUESS I could wait a little longer.

----------> FAST FORWARD -------->

TEN years later, still nobody in my family is married.

(sorry father, for "swearing")

My mother tricked me! Ten years later I am still baby hungry.

(To all males reading this... please note that I, myself am not the crazy Provo girl you have heard of. I am not one of those girls that wants to get married just so she can have kids. (Although that would be awesome sometime in the future) I simply just want someone else to have a baby so I can play with it.)

Although nobody in my family has any promising leads for children... I have taken and grasped onto the hope of these two beautiful people....

My very best friend in the whole entire world. Lauren Elizabeth Groseclose (I call her Summey) and her Fiance, Skyler. Lauren is getting married on August 2nd and I could not be more excited.
(When I say excited I really mean excited for the whole thing, for her, for the events etc)

However, today something popped into my head. In exactly 299 days from now there could
quite possibly be a Summey Jr. I highly doubt that but you always hear about the Honeymoon babies. So I am grasping onto that hope. I cannot wait to be called Aunt Summey (for Lauren calls me Summey as well.) Even thinking about it springs tears to my eyes!!!

Here are some pictures of what Summey Jr could look like.

Please, Sister Groseclose, don't kill me. This is simply all in good fun... and hope. Also, Summey, if there is a Honeymood baby, my dad will give you $2,000. hahaha. No, but seriously... something has got to be done with the lack of children in my life. And I am feeling selfish at the moment... so... somebody else should take care of that.... mmmmk?
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Lauren said...

SUMMMMMMMMMMMMM! if it were up to me i would have a baby EXACTLY nine months after my wedding. BUUUUUUT this is not going to happen. I have to graduate and have money first. i am way too poor right not. BUT OUR CHILDREN WILL BE BEAUTIFUL...and even if they aren't we will still think it. BAHAHHA

Unknown said...

maybe i'll just have a baby for you candace..... NO I'M NOT HINTING AT ANYTHING. i'm still a little out of wack at the moment. but the hubs can't wait to knock me up.... that sounded really bad and dirty. oh well i'm married

Jenibelle said...

If it were up to me.....

NO!! School comes first, but she can have a baby the day after she graduates!!!

Emily Frame said...

everyday i curse jace and the fact that he won't find me a wife-friend.

Robert Fowler said...

hahahaha the picture of summey jr kills me... soooo funny!