Monday, July 7, 2008

Droppin' the "H" bomb

As my job, I nanny 4 kids up in Park City. They range in ages from 9, 7, 5, and six months. It is actually a very rewarding job. I used to think I would be the worst mom ever. (Partly due to the fact that I am so adventurous and activity oriented.) But nannying these 4 kids has really given me the confidence that someday I will be a good mom. And I'm excited. I've learned that kids like being adventurous. I have the most amazing job ever. I get paid to play. It's great.

Mandy, who is 7 is one of the girls I nanny. At first, I was a little nervous about her. She has a hard time controlling her anger sometimes when she doesn't get her way. However, I think we all can relate to this in some ways. I'm really grateful for Mandy. I decided that although she has her agency, part of this wasn't her fault... it is just the way her brain functions. I have been working so extremely hard with Mandy on "using her words" when she's frustrated instead of throwing fits. And she's been doing such a good job, I'm so proud of her.

Yesterday, I decided it would be fun to take everybody on a picnic to the park. (They seemed to have a lot of energy and it sounded like a good way to let off some steam.) As we were packing our dinner, I asked Mandy if she wanted to lable everybody's sandwiches with their names. When I looked down at my sandwhich, I noticed she had written a little message on it.

Being the silly girl I am, tears welled up in my eyes as I read this simple message she wrote on my sandwich bag. I love this girl. I love the fact that everytime I come to nanny she changes her outfit to match me. Every once and awhile you get things like that in your life that make all the hard work and patience so rewarding.

A r e a l i t y c h e c k hit me 3 hours later where I realized for a second probably what my mom had felt many times. Mandy had asked if she could go over to a friends house. I unfortunetely had to say no (due to the fact that she was supposed to be in bed an hour ago and her mom was going to be home in a half hour)

She obviously wasn't very happy about this and stormed down stairs screaming, "I HATE YOU!"

I know she didn't mean it. She was just really frustrated.

But at least I was loved for 3 hours.

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