Thursday, December 4, 2008

Grumpy me.

reason why I want to live in space.


That way... when you have a cold in space you don't have to worry
about waking up in the middle of the night to turn over so the other nostril can share in on some of the joy of breathing.

This is what I have concluded.......

Earth = Gravity

Gravity + stuffed noses + sleep = uneven uncomfortable nostrils

Uneven uncomfortable nostrils = grumpy me

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Sav Gardiner said...

I'm going through the same freaking thing. put vicks on the bottom of your feet and then put socks on... your chest and nose will clear up and no more coughing or sneezing!! i know it sounds wierd but it works like crazy!!! Love ya Candace

roviatt said...

CANNNDAY! join the club i have been having breathing problems galore!