Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This song and me.

Sooooooooo..................................... um........

Yep, it's over. I do know that it is right and that it is supposed to be that way.
I just have faith.

But................. for now, I am going to be pathetic and feel sorry for myself.... ;-)

.........................and that means listening to cheesy Rascal Flatt songs!

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Sav Gardiner said...

Sad song. Rascal Flatts is always good to listen to when you just want to be sad for a bit. i'm sorry things aren't working out... just remember to keep the faith :)

Sierra @ Sierra's View said...

Break ups are never easy. And Rascal Flatts ALWAYS seem to feel the pain for us :) Keep your head up love!!!

Anonymous said...

I love you Candy! I am so sorry things did't work out. You are amazing. And yes, I am doing Photography. If you or your family ever need your pictures taken, let me know! I will give you an awesome discount!

Josh said...

Alright I got a massage yesterday at your school and I've decided it is time to collect on our white elephant gift. It was so fantastic. Sorry about the breakup. Kirsten and I broke up once and it sucked.

ccanderson said...

I love this song and feel your pain.

ccanderson said...

Hey! Are you proud of me? I was finally able to figure how to comment....he,hee, he