Monday, April 6, 2009

Festival of Colors

Last week I had the chance to experience (for the first time) the "in" thing to do as a Student here in Provo, Utah--Attend the Festival of Colors.

If you don't know what this is, here is an article explaining a bit of what it's about.

Thousands chanting, flowing robes, and an ornate Hare Krishna temple. You might think you were in India or another country from the Far East. Utah Valley probably wouldn’t be the first place to come to mind.

But every year, the Sri Sri Radha Krishna temple in Spanish Fork celebrates the beginning of Spring with the Festival of Colors, or Holi, as it’s called by the Krishna devout.

The festival is open to everybody, and practicing Krishnas find themselves a small minority in the crowd. On Saturday thousands from the surrounding area, including BYU and UVU students, gathered to celebrate.

The big draw at Holi isn’t the bonfire or the band, but the multi-colored powders thrown over everyone at the festival. After the recitation of a traditional Krishna story, the effigy of a mythical witch is lit on fire, and an explosion of colors engulfs the crowd.

People attending Holi buy bags of the powder in pink, yellow, orange, blue, green, and almost any other color imaginable. When the time is right, nobody is safe from the colors getting in clothes, hair, and faces.

Here are some of my pictures me and my friends took.

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sdralphs said...

Candy I have always wanted to do this! I wanted to go this year, but totally spaced it. It looks like you had so much fun. The boyfriend and you are TOO CUTE for words! I am so happy for you. Is a wedding in the near future for our miss Candy Anderson! Love ya girl!

Hazen5 said...

You always have the most fun!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous, that looks so fun! I want to go with you next year!!!

Jenibelle said...

I have a bloggy friend in Nepal, they do this same thing. She has 4 little kids and they were covered from head to toe! Fun stuff! Things getting serious?

ps said...

acept me in your mensseger